482 - Skills in Demand Visa

This visa, referred to as the 482 SID visa, enables employers to address labour shortages by bringing in genuinely skilled workers where they cannot source an appropriately skilled Australian. It facilitates targeted use of overseas workers to address skill shortages, while ensuring that Australian workers get priority. 482 SID visa holders can work in Australia in their nominated occupation for their approved sponsor under one of three streams:

  • Specialist Skills Stream (high income salary workers)
  • Core Skills Stream (for occupations listed on CSOL)
  • Labour Agreement stream - not discussed on this page. This stream is available if your employer wishes to sponsor you (as an overseas worker) and has entered into a labour agreement with the Department when standard visa programs are not available.

This visa is replacing a subclass 482 Temporary Skill Shortage visa from 07 December 2024.


Sponsorship obligations: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/employing-and-sponsoring-someone/existing-sponsors/standard-business-accredited-obligations

Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS)

A business wishing to sponsor a person for 482 SID visa must become a standard business sponsor.

Eligibility requirements:

- the business must be a lawfully operating business in or outside Australia

- the Australian business has a strong record of, or a demonstrated commitment to, employing local labour; and will not engage in discriminatory recruitment practices

- there is no adverse information known to Immigration about the business or a person associated with the busiess

- an overseas business can be approved as an SBS for the purpose to:

(i) establish, or assist in establishing, a business operation in Australia with overseas connections; or

(ii) fulfil, or assist in fulfilling, a contractual obligation


SBS duration: 5 years


Application Fee: $420

Nomination for 482 SID Visa

An approved sponsor - SBS - may nominate a person for 482 visa.

Eligibility requirements:

- a business must be an SBS

- there is no adverse information known to Immigration about the business or a person associated with the busiess

- the business must nominate an occupation:

  • in ANZSCO major group 1, 2, 4, 5 or 6 with a salary over $135,000.00 pa (specialist skills stream) OR
  • on CSOL (core skills stream) with a salary over $73,150.00 pa

- the tasks of the nominated position will include a significant majority of the tasks specified for the occupation in ANZSCO

- the qualifications and experience of the nominee are commensurate with the qualifications and experience specified for the occupation in ANZSCO

- the occupation is a position in the nominating business or its associated entity (overseas business sponsor is restricted to positions in the nominating business)

- the nominee will be employed under a written employment contract unless exempted

- the business must certify the employment contract will be compliant with all applicable requirements imposed by Commonwealth, State or Territory law relating to employment including, if applicable, the National Employment Standards (within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009)

- the position must be genuine and a full time position (part-time exceptionally)

- the position must have been advertised (LMT) - a suitably qualified and experienced Australian worker is not available to fill the nominated position (unless an exemption applies)

- the business must certify whether or not there has been a contravention of subsection 245AR(1) of the Act

- the nominee's annual earnings will be at least $250,000 pa or not less than the annual market salary rate for the nominated occupation AND

- the business has the capacity to employ the nominee for at least the period of the nomination and to pay the person at least the annual market salary rate for the occupation each year AND

- the employment conditions (other than in relation to earnings) that will apply to the nominee are less favourable than those that apply, or would apply, to an Australian citizen or an Australian permanent resident performing equivalent work at the same location


Application Fee: $330


Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) - Employers nominating overseas workers have to contribute to the training of Australians through the SAF levy. The SAF levy provides a tangible demonstration of the way in which the 482 SID visa supports training opportunities for Australians. Employers have to contribute to SAF at the time they lodge their nomination application. The levy is payable in full at the time the worker is nominated, and depends on the size of the business:

Business turnover SAF contribution for 482 SID visa
 annual turnover less than $10 million  $1200 per year or part thereof
 other businesses  $1800 per year or part thereof

482 SID Visa Application

- an applicant in Australia must hold a substantive visa or a bridging visa A, B or C

- some applicants need a skills assessment for the nominated occupation (unless exempted)

- the applicant has worked in the nominated occupation or a related field for at least 1 year full time during the period of 5 years ending immediately before the day the application was made

- an applicant must have been nominated for this visa

- If the applicant is in Australia, the applicant has complied substantially with the conditions that apply or applied to the last of any substantive visas held by the applicant, and to any subsequent bridging visa.

- the applicant must have relevant skills

- the applicant's intention to work in the nominated occupation is genuine and the position associated with the nominated occupation is genuine

- if the applicant is a medical practitioner, the applicant’s qualifications are recognised by the relevant authority in Australia for the registration of medical practitioners as entitling the applicant to practise as a medical practitioner

- the applicant has not, in the previous 3 years, engaged in conduct that constitutes a contravention of subsection 245AR(1), 245AS(1), 245AT(1) or 245AU(1) of the Act

- there is no adverse information known to Immigration about the business or a person associated with the busiess

- the applicant has adequate arrangements for health insurance

- the applicant must meet general health and character requirements

- English requirements (unless exempted):


Required test scores


If the approved English language test is …

the required test scores for that test are …



(a) an overall band score of at least 5.0; and

(b) a score of at least 5.0 for each test component of the IELTS.


the OET

a score of at least B for each test component of the OET.



(a) an overall band score of at least 35; and

(b) for the listening and reading test components of the TOEFL—a score of at least 4; and

(c) for the speaking and writing test components of the TOEFL—a score of at least 14.


the PTE

(a) an overall band score of at least 36; and

(b) a score of at least 36 for each test component of the PTE.


the CAE

(a) an overall band score of at least 154; and

(b) a score of at least 154 for each test component of the CAE.


Application Fees: $3,115.00 + STAC (subsequent temporary application charge $700) may apply


Visa period:

- up to 4 years (Hong Kong passport holders may stay up to 5 years.)


All information current as at 08/12/2024. OZ HOME MIGRATION does not guarantee all information is correct and professional advice should be sought in relation to the above information.

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Migration Agents Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for registered migration agents is set out in legislation to regulate the conduct of registered migration agents. 

The Code of Conduct:

(a) protects clients of migration agents; and

(b) strengthens the integrity of the immigration advice industry and Australia’s immigration system.

Provision for a Code of Conduct for migration agents is set out in Section 314 of the Migration Act 1958.


Consumer protection - see MARA Consumer Guide.

We Are a Member of the MIA

Migration Institute of Australia

Ales Welter (MIA:10623) is a member of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA). MIA members must abide by a Code of Ethics and Practice which is designed to protect members and the reputation of the profession by assisting agents to maintain the highest standards of professionalism.

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Ales Welter  MARN 1464306

Level 15 Corporate Centre One

2 Corporate Court

Bundall QLD 4217


Website Photos

We would like to thank Marian Riabic who has provided photographs to our website. Marian can be contacted on 0417 774 174 if you are interested in his photos.