POINTS TEST for Skilled Visas 189/190/491 (from 16 November 2019)

An applicant intending to apply for one of the General Skilled migration visas (189/190/491) needs to meet the points test pass mark of 65 points.


Age points:
What is your age?
18-24 years - 25 pts
25-32 years - 30 pts
33-39 years - 25 pts
40-44 years - 15 pts
younger than 18 or older than 44 - NOT ELIGIBLE FOR GENERAL SKILLED MIGRATION

Score for Age:


English proficiency points:
What is your level of English knowledge?
IELTS 6.0 equivalent - 0 pts
IELTS 7.0 equivalent - 10 pts
IELTS 8.0 equivalent - 20 pts

Score for English:


Overseas work experience points:
How many years of overseas work experience in your nominated or closely related occupation in the last 10 years do you have? Please note some work experience may not be at the relevant skill level and will not be awarded any points. Max. number of points for Australian and overseas work experience can be 20 (it is automatically calculated for you).
at least 3 years - 5 pts
at least 5 years - 10 pts
at least 8 years - 15 pts
less than 3 years - 0 pts

Score for Overseas Work Experience:


Australian work experience points:
How many years of Australian work experience in your nominated or closely related occupation in the last 10 years do you have? Please note some work experience may not be at the relevant skill level and will not be awarded any points. Max. number of points for Australian and overseas work experience can be 20 (it is automatically calculated for you).
at least 1 year - 5 pts
at least 3 years - 10 pts
at least 5 years - 15 pts
at least 8 years - 20 pts
less than 1 year - 0 pts

Score for Australian Work Experience:


Australian professional year qualifications:
Have you completed a professional year in Australia in your nominated or closely related occupation for a period totalling at least 12 months in the last 48 months?
Yes - 5 pts
No - 0 pts

Score for Australian professional year:


Educational qualifications:
What is your highest qualification?
a doctorate by an Australian educational institution or by another educational institution, that is of a recognised standard - 20 pts
a Bachelor degree by an Australian educational institution or by another educational institution, that is of a recognised standard - 15 pts
a diploma by an Australian educational institution - 10 pts
a trade qualification by an Australian educational institution - 10 pts
a qualification or award recognised by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation as being suitable for the occupation - 10 pts
none of the above - 0 pts

Score for Educational qualifications:


Specialist educational qualifications:
Have you met the requirements for the award of a specialist educational qualification? It is a Masters degree by research or a Doctorate degree from an Australian educational institution that included at least two academic years in a relevant field. A relevant field is Natural and Physical Sciences, Information Technology and Engineering and Related Technologies.
Yes - 10 pts
No - 0 pts

Score for Specialist educational qualification:


Australian study qualifications:
Have you met the Australian study requirement? In general, to meet this requirement, you must have completed in no less than 16 calendar months a single qualification requiring at least two academic years study or more than one qualification resulting in a total period of at least two academic years study.
Yes - 5 pts
No - 0 pts

Score for Australian study qualification:


Credentialled community language qualifications:
Do you have a qualification in a particular language awarded or accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) as a credentialled community language body as accreditation at the paraprofessional interpreter or translator level or above?
Yes - 5 pts
No - 0 pts

Score for Credentialled community language qualification:


Study in designated regional area:
Have you studied (no distance education) and lived in designated regional area of Australia and your study meets the Australian study requirement?
Yes - 5 pts
No - 0 pts

Score for Study in designated regional area of Australia:


Partner qualifications:
Which of the following applies?
I have a Skilled Partner - 10 pts
- my partner will apply for the same visa
- my partner is under 45 years
- my partner has obtained a skills assessment for an occupation that is on the occupation list that is available to me for the visa I intend to apply for
- my partner has English proficiency on the level at least of IELTS 6.0 or equivalent
I have an Australian partner or no partner - 10 pts
- my partner is an Australian citizen or permanent resident OR
- I do NOT have a partner
I have a partner with competent English - 5 pts
- my partner will apply for the same visa
- my partner has English proficiency on the level at least of IELTS 6.0 or equivalent
My partner is in neither category above - 0 pts

Score for Partner qualifications:

Eligible occupation and visa
Which of the following applies to you?
I intend to apply for 189 visa and my occupation is on MLTSSL list - 0 pts
I intend to apply for 190 visa and my occupation is on MLTSSL or STSOL list. I can obtain the required state/territory nomination. - 5 pts
I intend to apply for 491 visa and my occupation is on MLTSSL/STSOL/ROL list. I can obtain the required state/territory nomination. - 15 pts
I intend to apply for 491 visa and my occupation is on MLTSSL list. I will be sponsored by an eligible relative. - 15 pts

Score for visa stream:

You do not seem to qualify for a GSM visa
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The Code of Conduct for registered migration agents is set out in legislation to regulate the conduct of registered migration agents. 

The Code of Conduct:

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(b) strengthens the integrity of the immigration advice industry and Australia’s immigration system.

Provision for a Code of Conduct for migration agents is set out in Section 314 of the Migration Act 1958.


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2 Corporate Court

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Ales Welter  MARN 1464306

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Website Photos

We would like to thank Marian Riabic who has provided photographs to our website. Marian can be contacted on 0417 774 174 if you are interested in his photos.