Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO)
Detailed information about ANZSCO can be found on our partner website
You will find very handy information about:
- Complete ANZSCO list
- Complete list of Skills Assessing Authorities with contact details
- Skilled Occupation List (for 189, 489 and 485 visas)
- Consolidated Occupation List (for 190, 489, 186, 457 and 402 visas)
- RSMS Occupation List (for 187 visa)
- LMT Protected Occupations List (for 457 visa)
- State Nomination Lists (being progressively added - relevant for 190 and 489 visas)
- Average Weekly Earnings in ANZSCO Unit groups
- ANZSCO skill levels
- Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)